Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Module 9 Discussion 1

Module 9 Discussion 1

Q Who will take care of our parents? As mentioned in the video migrant woman are traveling thousands of miles away from their families to work in the care industry of the US and Europe. Because of the cultural differences of western countries, families have placed parents in nursing homes and assisted living communities but how different is this from other groups? Who takes care of the elderly in Latin America, Africa, and Asia and how will this demand for "care" affect their care?

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In western countries, families place their parents/grandparents in nursing homes and assisted living communities. This situation can be very diffeent in developing countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia. For instace, in Latin America usually the ones that provide care for eldely people are their child or their spouse. Not only because of the abuse the eldely might experience while being taking care by in a nursing home, but also because of the stigma that surrounds the topic. There's the judgment from members of the society when a person decides to put their eldely loved ones in nursing home.